Thursday, January 21, 2010

Alopecia Cure On The Chin

natural Tourism mountain mountain mystery Ciremai

in Local West Java Province No. 2 of 2003 stated that Ciremai mountain forest areas included in nature protection areas of ex-situ germplasm, regions prone to volcanoes and earthquake prone areas.
review results to various potentials and prospects of its development, Kuningan regency government then initiated the functional changes in the protected forests of Mount Ciremai a nature conservation area in 2004 and has received approval of the Minister of Forestry through the Minister of Forestry Number 424/Menhut-11/2004tentang
Protected Forest Area Change pad a group of mountain forests Ciremai be Ciremai Mountain National Park area which is located in 2kabupaten 15.500Ha ie Kab. Majalengka and the western district. Brass. Area G. Ciremai who entered the district. Brass is an area of \u200b\u200b8839.05 Ha seeara later officially declared by the Minister of Forestry on 14 July 2005.

Bath With Elder Sis Story


Mystery Mountain Ciremei
place - a place which happened to be heading, but have a very powerful mystique. Uniquely, every - every name heading has its own background and the different between one another. Among these are grave horse block. In this area supposedly there are grave horse owned by Japanese soldiers. The horse, commonly used by the Kempetai to control the forced labor of the workers who grow coffee. And the grave is located on the west route, until now still exist and sacred by the local population. Block
tere papa another. That said, here first ever murder of a child by her stepfather. Began, the children were invited by her stepfather for hiking Ceremai. Arriving at this tempai, the father stabbed her to death immediately.
While the block of stone phallus is a very sacred place by local residents. Therefore, in order to avoid unwanted things so the climbers were forbidden to occupy a large stone or omissions that could be inappropriate in this place. That said, the stone was once used as a place to preach to his followers songo guardian. Near the stone phallus found an In Memoriam climbers. According to the story of climbers were killed because of something weird in batulingga. Precisely, in 1999 and of the three climbers, only one survivor. The other two were killed by removing the mucus from his mouth. According to belief, this commemorative stone block in the guard by two delicate creature named battery and nini serentet buntet. Block buffering
globe, which literally is a buffer of the earth. This area serves to keep the flow of lava when the volcano erupted Ceremai. The point for lava do not lead to Linggarjati, but elsewhere.
And finally is a block pengsungan or salting very open place. Here there are fields that never wilt, edelweiss. From this place we can look out the beauty of the city of Cirebon and the Java sea. Not only that, here too, we could be satisfied looking at the beauty of sunrise. Rarely do people know if these occupy parallel to the top of the mountain Slamet in central Java. Historically, during the Japanese occupation, marinating is a place of exile prisoners of war. Maybe that particular night on the eve of the appearance of supernatural beings often

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Interest Calculation Formula In India


Collection code-code arabic writing this I dedicate to the bloggers-bloggers is a beginner like me. At first I was also surprised many blogs that use the letters-letters postingannya Arabic, like (بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم) and so co can ya? What is it and how do I do not know Manana Especially not my Blogging USING HP computer. From the confusion I finally decided to walk to the web-master aka senior web. On a day when his people have been sleeping I entered a web if no one had its web Pasopati amazed me, gosh even the story, Well the story later if you've widths terusin monkey. The point I found the code-code writings arab As there are below:

1576 1575 ا ب ة

1577 1578 1579
ت ث ج

1580 1581 1582
ح خ د

1583 1584 1585
ذ ر ز

1586 1587 1588
س ش ص

1589 1590 1591
ض ط ظ

1592 1593 1594
ع غ ف

1601 1602 1603 ق ك

1604 1605
ل م ن

1606 1607 1608
ه و ى

1609 1610 ي
To assemble CODE-CODE ARAB above should be in start code and ends with code; example
(ا & # 1576;).
Hopefully helpful and good luck. Posted