I expected it!
Oddly, I had to be mom, and it's not my daughter who was at the nursery that I missed, but my mom to me.
I was hurt, I was exhausted, too many emotions, I was not sure where I was, and suddenly I had one wish, it finally arrives, she asks the nurses to give me something so I can finally get some sleep, rest, she reassures me, in short, she cares for me!
must say that after giving birth, I was back in my room that I shared this night with another lady, and nobody took care of me!
I was hurt, I could not close my eyes, I felt that this was not normal at all, and everyone cared.
Besides, the lady beside me, who had given birth on her late night, not suffering at all ... The epidural had worked perfectly, it was quiet, she was resting.
She even called the nurses so she saw that I suffered, but apparently nobody cared, as if I was super cozy when I'm really resistant to evil!
So when I saw my mom get in the room ... What joy!
her, immediately she saw that I was wrong. She went to the nurses, and to their lack of reaction, she called my uncle (a doctor), who immediately called the clinic to ask them to give me something ...
So I was given something, and, miraculously, after a moment, I I had less pain and, finally, I thought I could get some rest!
We were in the late morning and the nurse brought me back my daughter in the room for me to change and I give him his bottle!
I was quite unable, then, my mum did ...
first layer, and first big poo as a gift! lol
I watched a little absent, stupefied with fatigue !
Then we brought the first bottle, and it is also my mom gave him.
I can still see, here before me in the room, my mother standing, and my daughter in her arms. It was beautiful, but at the same time, it seemed a little off ...
My mom looked so happy, it made me so happy to see her and she was beautiful!
Me, I was wallowing in my bed, exhausted, and requiring only thing sleeping ... Finally!
We were all late morning, I had not slept for more than 24 hours, and I had just given birth ... I need sleep.
But I forgot we were on Saturday and that the visits would begin!
Lesson learned: never again deliver a weekend! lol
It began with the change of room ... I could now benefit from a single room that was released.
was super cute, pink, and brand new!
So I was transferred and installed.
Then the whole family came, in full, each in turn.
Frank arrived with his parents, but then he had made everything beautiful that night, that day, he arrived not very fresh eye, an old shirt on his back, uncombed, short, not great to meet the whole family ... also had a little watered birth obviously!
I was super spoiled by everyone, flowers for mom, and gifts for the little one!
But I must admit, although I was delighted to see my grandmother, my aunt and my parents, I had one wish, to rest.
Frank's family is, too, come see us, but hey, I did not have too many atoms hooked together!
And then in the evening, finally, everyone is gone, and I thought I was finally able to sleep.
I had that day, could give the bottle to my daughter, but not change it, because I had a little trouble getting up ...
The first night was ...
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