Thursday, October 11, 2007

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With Frank, it was a bit more settled, we wanted a child, even considering marrying.

Yet all was not rosy.

I finally realized he had a problem with alcohol, and it was not easy to manage.

When he drank, he often became violent. We were arguing, but we always ended by reconciling the pillow, Like many couples.

And then he had made efforts, he was working.

It was a gas station.

It was now over a year we lived together.

I changed job twice, and it was hard to stabilize me. I could not see my family very much.

Xavier, meanwhile, had found another girlfriend. I do not know how it happened, but we spent an evening of Christmas Eve at 4, he and his girlfriend, Valerie, Frank and me.

was just amazing!

When our eyes met, there was always something but whatever ...

Anyway I had one idea in mind, falling pregnant.

I was 25 I weighed 130 kilos.

was obsessive.

Every month when my period, I could not resist and was going to make me do a blood test.

Finally, first, I bought a test by pharmacy, but it was less simple than now, and less early, and finally I told myself that I was to check the blood!

Every month!

And every month for 6 months was negative.

Yet I had all the symptoms, nausea, fatigue, etc.. ... All those who have lived or live it know what I mean!

side job, I took the leap, and I built a box with people I knew.

premises had been installed, they financed, I was working!

Not easy to do both projects simultaneously, while managing problems at home.

With my parents, things had stabilized a bit, we saw again, it was better.

And then I built up a close friendship with Valerie, Xavier's girlfriend, whom I saw very often.

Every month, so I was really unhappy, because it was all negative.

So unfortunate that after a few months, I said Basta, stop with all this, I'm working, that's it!

The following month, one morning I woke up, I had pain in the chest. I never had pain in the chest, was pregnant, I knew it!

I start work so I buy a test drive, I arrive at work, I did ... It is ... POSITIVE!


Within seconds, the life changed again, everything is different!


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